Tent Volunteer Application and Deposit for Events and Festivals 2021


Before booking in please email ian@pinklotuscreations.co.uk your insurance, qualifications, car make model and reg, any medical conditions that could affect your ability to work, references and your emergency contact info.

SKU: N/A Category:

Set Up/Pack down Mon 11am and Tuesday 9am 9am and tent checks every day imbetween, standby for emergency Throughtout.

Job Role

VolunteerTent Helper

Agree to Operations Policy

I agree to comply with the Operations Policy

Arrival Time

9am Monday before the festival I selected.

Car Reg, Make and Model

I have emailed my Car reg, make and model to Ian.


I agree to wear company clothing provided.

Criminal Record

I have emailed Ian details of any criminal record I have, and understand that I will be DBS checked.


I will not get drunk or consume any illegal drugs while onsite.

Emergency Contact

I have emailed Ian an Emergency Contact

Medical Conditions

I have emailed Ian any Medical Conditions that affect my ability to work.

Medical Information

I agree to inform my manager immediately of any medical situation to might affect my ability to work.

Pack Down

I agree to help pack down the yurts and other equipment.

Team Work

I understand there are teams in Pink Lotus and will help the other teams if needed.

Festival Option 1
