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Terms and Conditions – Pink Lotus Creations

Terms and Conditions

Dear Team Member,

Please read through the below carefully. We understand that most of this is standard practice, festivals are very strict and we have to comply with certain standards.

Thank you.

Aims and Objectives of Pink Lotus

  • To provide a high standard of service only using and recommending the very best of available natural health care products, practitioners and courses.
  • To provide professional natural health care treatments, retreats and training performed by skilled qualified, and insured practitioners, carers and teachers.
  • To offer the highest level of client care and comfort possible.
  • To create a clean and hygienic environment to work in.
  • To uphold the highest standards of health and safely with in our workspace.
  • To create a warm, safe, friendly, peaceful and calm environment for our clients / customers to relax within.
  • To raise awareness of the positive health benefits of Natural Medicine we mean the integration of diet, exercise, energy healing, body work, plant medicine, personal development,  Environmental awareness and Permaculture .
  • To integrate into society as many accessible opportunities, for people who would significantly benefit Natural Medicine. To provide comprehensive understanding of Pink Lotus, to enable our clients, colleagues, patients and students to integrate this theory into the practice daily life.
  • To provide a safe, healthy and peaceful environment that fosters the development of all who are involved with the work.
  • To provide educational material for professional and public use.
  • To offer aerial training and inspirational .
  • To ensure Health and Safety in practice is understood and maintained at all times, by having a Health and safety policy that is read understood and adhered to by all peoples involved with Sustainable Health.
  • To approach new and maintain existing relationships with Pink Lotus Services.
  • To encourage members of the public to attend the Pink Lotus Centre for retreats, treatment and Training, and to attend Temple Cloud Circus for aerial training, shows and parties ect..
  • To educate clients, customers, staff, members of the public, students and health care workers in the use of natural approaches to improve total well-being.
  • Through the daily practice of the 8 limbs of Sustainable Health the staff and people receiving a service from the Sustainable Health will gain a greater perception, understanding and knowledge of themselves and cultivate health, clarity and stability in the pursuit of their life purpose.
  • Provide educational material through the production of manuals. The Chu-Len college of Sustainable Health will provide all the information necessary for the training, treatments and workshops provided. Our organisation will produce self-help materials for professionals and public.



  • COUCHES, we provide a few couches – but you might not get one to the high and width of your preference. If you are likely to take issue with the type of couch you are proved with, PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN COUCH. Most of us work on the floor on a couch as we can use our body weight.
  • Things  to bring to the festival :Please wear boots to set up and bring a pack lunch with you so that you don’t need to leave set up to eat. Please bring your own tent, sleeping matt and food to the festival.


  • Please give a promotional pack out to all clients.
  • Keep the space clean and tidy, sweeping the space
  • Always folding your towels after each client before you go for a break.
  • Take all your rubbish out of the yurt at the end of the day.
  • Money: All money for treatments is to be paid to reception / money box using the envelope system, this will be collected by allocated staff on a regular basis and stored in secure area. Each festival may have a slightly different system please find out what this system is on site. The basic rule is make sure that payment has been taken in full before you start any treatment. Any envelope must be stores in the till or under the Ganesh not on your person or in your personal bag. You will not be paid for free treatment your gave that you did not collect the payment for.
  • Booking System : The receptionist/our team of therapists will book all the clients in. They will be required to fill out all the relevant booking forms and a consultation form. The practitioner may need to operate the reception or there may be a self serve postal reception which works well at some events. The booking system will be explained in full at the start of each event as it may change depending on the event.
  • Treatments : All treatments that are performed with in the yurts or tent provided must be booked in through the reception, paid for and recorded.
  • Massage Oils and Essential oils: All essential oils that are used must have been tested by AFNOR certified laboratories, as this is the best essential oil testing equipment in the world. The government does not regulate the production of essential oils. So adulteration and dilution is accepted as normal practice. The public are often not aware that the oils that they are paying for are toxic. For health and safety reasons to avoid any toxicity to clients we only use PINK LOTUS APOTHECARY ORGANIC PRODUCTS.
  • Please don’t store the essential oils upside down with the lids off ( Im not joking this has happened). Please store them upright with the lid on tightly. ONLY 1 type of essential oil per treatment.
  • If I client comes in and requests their own oil, we will only use if its organic and approved by the pink lotus line manager, we NEVER apply suncream/Sudo Cream or Savon or ANY other substance this is not organic or approved by the manager in our clinic ever.
  • Please use enough oil not enough oils creates dragging an unpleasant sensation during a massage. Remember LOADS OF oil for hairy men.
  • Since it is a open space that we are working in we NEVER ask a client to remove their bra.  If they take it off that’s ok but if they ask then please tell them to leave it on, we can unclip it when we do their back and clip it back when we ask them to turn over.
  • Tidy towels after each client and before your break.
  • Make sure you cover your clients feet with the towel.
  • Candles: It is very important if candles are used that wax is not spilt on any surface, and that they are blown out at the end of day. Please only use candles that are in a place with in a safely jar to avoid fire hazard, make sure you know the location of the fire extinguisher.
  • Qualifications and Insurance: Practitioners may only practice therapies that they have up to date qualifications and insurance for, also photocopies of this information needs to be kept on file, please make sure that we have all copies of this.
  • Consultation Sheets: Each client needs to fill out a consultation form. THIS IS ESSENTIAL  you could be sued if  you cause greater harm to a injury you didn’t ask about…… or use a nut oil with someone allergic .  ALWAYS DO A CONSULTATION FORM WE ABSOLUTELY NEVER GIVE ANY TREATMENTS UNTILL THE FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED “ THERE IS NEVER AN EXCUSE OR VALID REASON FOR SKIPPING THE CONSULTATION FORM. If a Client has a nut allergy this could create significant harm to a clients health, its impressive to fill out the consultation form.
  • Marketing and client recommendation: Please only recommend Pink Lotus Apothecary Products, any physio or stretching recommendations needs to be doe during a “Physio session” and only if you are a qualified physiotherapist. Chinese medicine diet recommendations can be due during any acupuncture session. ALL RECOMMENDATIONS MUST BE APPROVED by the Pink Lotus Line Manager. The best thing is to recent our Oils and if you do not know, say to the client please see Sammy on reception she can recommend which oils and herbs might help you. We must be insured for all recommendations made.  All Pink Lotus products and Services and Insured.
  • Please do not give out your private card to clients while your working with us you are a member of Pink Lotus . Please do not create divide with marketing your own private business we are a team and we need to be professional and respect the business you are working within. (like saying statements like Sammy works as Sustainable Health and I work for…………. Because  remember while you are in a Pink Lotus  yurt you are one of the Pink Lotus Therapists) Please communicate with our clients with statements like WE are all Pink Lotus therapists, our head office is in South Bristol and we offer a national home visits service.
  • Handling Clients who are intoxicated, If a client is really intoxicated always offer water.
  • If a client is really intoxicated, agitated, convulsing due to drug use and you are worried about massage; ear acupuncture will help to calm the client down before the massage. this is to be done by a qualified and insured practitioner.
  • It is a practitioners personal choice whether to treat an intoxicated client, Pink Lotus approves of treatments for clients who are intoxicated. We believe the treatments will still help the client to connect with life in a more positive way. Treatments will always help to calm anxious, paranoid and agitated clients. If you as a practitioner and you do not want to treat a client because the client is too intoxicated, please refer the client to another practitioner within the pink lotus team, who is prepared to treat.
  • Although the Healing Lotus approves of treatments for intoxicated clients we do not allow under any circumstances the use of intoxicating substances within our space.
  • Only Cool it oil for headaches.
  • No essential oils during pregnancy.
  • If a client becomes aggressive, loud or inappropriate, this is not tolerated within the Pink Lotus space, as other people will be having treatments. Always try to calm the client down and if there is an ear acupuncturist available offer a free a treatment of ear acupuncture and be sure to use the aggression point, and then offer then a cup of relaxation tea. If the client cannot be calmed down, as a last resort we must ask the client to leave the space, if the client does no leave we must call security. No practitioner is expected to endure sexual harassment while working on a client, if the words and actions of a client becomes uncomfortable for the practitioner, the practitioner is within his or her right to warn the client of her/his discomfort, then if the behaviour persists, to stop treatment and ask the Line Manage to take over the situation.APPEARANCE and HYGINE
  • You will be a given a top to wear each day.
  • All Healing Lotus practitioners are required to wear a clean in house top and clean trousers.
  • Long hair needs to be clean and tied back.
  • Nails need to be clean and short.
  • Hands need to be washed or wiped with organic wet wipes and antibac organic hand sanitiser between treatments.


  • We are part of a team. Pink Lotus Sanctuary , please when asked where you are from answer ” I live in …. our head office is in South Bristol.If asked for your contact details, give a company flyer and tell the client “here is our contact number, you can request a treatment specifically with me”. You can tell the client that we have a clinic in South Bristol and we also offer mobile treatments out side of festivals.  Direct Social Media enquiries to Pink Lotus Social Media.
  • If you have signed up for the home visit service .
  • Setting Up and Packing Down. : The key to helping is ask exactly what to do. Do not just do what you think …. there is a specific method and each event is different depending on what the next event is ect… so please ask how you can help. For health and safety purposes we must follow our method statement. About the set up and pack down, You will have been asked in advance (in your application) if you mind doing this work voluntarily before the event. We ask that you do not change your mind at the event, if you are likely to do this please inform us straight away and give your reasons why you have decided to renege on your commitment to help in this way. We organise ourselves based on the commitment that you have made in the applications with us at each event. If you let us down, this will affect our schedule.
    We work as a team and there may be other services that we offer at an event (circus shows yurts, yoga tent), and members of another team might help with the therapy set up and pack down, so it is generally expected that all members of Pink Lotus Creations will assist with all areas of set up and pack down, that way we work as a team the work gets done faster.
  • Improving our professional standard: At the end of each day you will need to fill out your time sheep with the manager here any operational procedure feedback will be given. Because we are running a very busy clinic and need to address operational issues back of house and it is not appropriate to address operational issues front of house we have a system in place which enables communication with out the client knowing a operational issues is being addresses, should there be a operational issues that requires urgent attention. You will be handed a piece of paper. it will be placed on your tray, inside will be details of which operational policy requires your attention.
  • Reporting problems to line manager only (Samantha Terry) and not involving members of the public or other colleagues or any other festival staff.
  • Therapists who don’t have bookings are asked to stay close to the yurt ready for is any bookings come along, we ask that you help del with equerries on reception, but please do not interfere in a existing conversation.
  • Please to not chit chat on reception when there are any members of the public within 10m of earshot.

(we provide oils, couch roll and towels) .

We will pay all invoices no later than the end of September. We might pay you onsite if there is time for the admin, please do not ask. We will need an invoice from you. You need to have your hours signed of by the manager at the end of the day. Please wait patiently at the end of the day to make sure this is done. Please do not interrupt the manager giving a treatment to have your hours signed off. In all instances we put the client first.

About the Deposit and Ticket Contribution

In the event that after booking into work with us and paying your deposit and ticket contribution/deposit, you become sick or for some reason can no longer attend the festival.  You can apply for your work deposit to be requested back. Please send us a email requesting your deposit back and your reasons why you cannot attend the festival, please enclose with the email, doctors notes, hospital letters or any supporting evidence. Deposits are returned at our discretion and only at the end of the season in September. Please notify us immediately if you cannot attend the festival the sooner you notify the better for your case. Unfortunately ticket contributions can not be retuned under any circumstance.

Ticket Contributions and Deposits for the long day 8am-7pm will be refunded after the event in September, but only of the therapist tuned up for work each day on time, and for filled the working commitment. In the unlikely event that a therapist is dismissed during the event due to serious conduct violations the ticket contribution will not be returned (please see disciplinary procedure). In the case of the short day 6 hour day, the ticket contribution is never returned.

Failure to turn up for work will result in your deposit/TC being lost. Turning up at the festival and deciding not to work will result in you being asked for your wrist band back, being escorted off site and your deposit and ticket contribution not being returned.

Having a really bad attitude towards other staff, the public or any festival co-workers will result in you being asked for your wrist band back, being escorted off site and your deposit not being returned.

You must agree to being a responsible hard working member of the team. This means that you dress appropriately, are friendly, helpful and are in the right state both physically and mentally to be able to treat and look after your clients. If we find you not to be taking this code of conduct seriously, we have the right to stop you from working immediately, and your deposit is non refundable. This means that you cannot take illegal substances (of ANY KIND!!!) or get drunk at the festival.

Thursday 1pm-9pm
9am-7pm  – 3 x 30min breaks Friday Saturday and Sunday.

50min Hour – Allow 5 mins each side to treatments  / 25min half hour

If you started your treatment late because of your own timekeeping error you must still give the full amount to time on the couch to the client. If you started late because the client  was late then you must finish of time and the client will lost out some of their time on the couch because they were late.

Disciplinary Procedure

All minor conduct issues will be address verbally or the therapist may be given a Professional Standard Feedback Slip, a Professional Standard Feedback slip is NOT the start of a DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE. We understand that it is exceptionally difficult undress pressure to do everything perfectly. It is really ONLY in the event or a significant unsatisfactory behaviour that the disciplinary procedure will be initiated.

Examples of Unsatisfactory behaviour.

Persistently poor time keeping.

Persistently finishing treatments early and not giving enough time to the client.
Giving a treatment with out the client filling out a consultation sheet.
Not listening to the needs and wishes of the client or inappropriate client care.
Persistently ignoring operational guidelines.
Inappropriate or offensive behaviour in the main reception or in the yurt.
Inappropriate behaviour in front of clients.

  1. Therapist will be taken behind the yurt or into the Lorry or Van for a “ Informal Chat” in between clients or at the end of the day.
  2. Therapists will be taken taken behind the yurt or into the Lorry or Van to one side possibly with a appropriate person if there is one available and asked to sign a disciplinary slip, with a formal warning detailing the breach of Conduct.
  3. Therapist will be taken to one side and given a final dismissal slip and asked for the wrist band back and asked to leave the site immediately. If this is adhered to appropriately and there is no damage to Pink Lotus Equipment, the therapist in question will be with their right to make a application for their deposit back. This is issues back at the discretion of Pink Lotus.

Certain Violations will be deemed Gross Misconduct and will warrant immediate dismissal and the festival wrist band requested back. Please see some examples.

Being intoxicated during work hours.

Refusing to come to work at the agreed contracted time.

The use of illegal drugs

Highly offensive behaviour.